The New LeftField 3 System

leftfield compatibility

We are excited to announce that the LeftField System has been upgraded, offering faster speeds and even more reliable performance.

To keep LeftField at the forefront for filmmakers, we have had to make some important modifications with version 3. As its popularity continues to rise (with more cameras and accessories being supported), our commitment remains firm: providing the best quality and seamless filmmaking experience designed specifically with you in mind.

What is the difference between LeftField 2 & LeftField 3?

B4003 1034 LeftField 3 15mm LWS Baseplate Core Slide web
LeftField 3 15mm LWS Baseplate

The LeftField 3 15mm LWS Baseplate core is now 2mm shorter in height. This makes it compatible with ARRI BP-8 & BP-9 studio bridgeplates and LeftField 3 Studio bridgeplates when combined with the LeftField 3 Studio Dovetail Adapter (B4003.1031).

When transitioning from sliding to release mode, the lever cannot be opened without first pressing the safety button on the lever.

Identifying LeftField 3 & LeftField 2

All LeftField 3 products are clearly engraved with ‘LeftField 3’. Any product released prior to this upgrade can be considered as a part of the LeftField 2 line. LeftField 2 product that remain in production will be updated to have ‘LeftField 2’ engraved into the product.

Compatibility between LeftField 2 & 3

B4003 1033 LeftField 3 19mm Studio Bridgeplate 01 web
The new LeftField 3 19mm Studio QR Bridgeplate

Unfortunately, the upgrades to LeftField 3 make it incompatible with products from its predecessor, LeftField 2. You can only use compatible items within the same version of LeftField – that is, all items must be from either version 2 or version 3.

15mm & 19mm Studio Bridgeplates (ARRI BP-8/BP-9) – LeftField 3 is fully compatible with ARRI BP-8, BP-9 & LeftField 3 Studio Bridgeplates using the Studio Dovetail Adapter (B4003.1031). It is not compatible with older LeftField Studio Bridgeplates.

KASBAH – The rear of the LeftField 3 15mm LWS baseplate has a pin that prevents attaching to the incorrect shoulder pad. LeftField 3 versions of the KASBAH Shoulder Pad & Riser have been introduced. There is no change to the hand grip system

ARRI Standard Balance Plates – New LeftField 3 ARRI Standard Balance Plates have been introduced in 12/18/24″ lengths.

Camera Risers – All existing and future risers are compatible with LeftField 2 & 3.